How to Clean Portable Air Conditioners? A Step-by-Step Guide  

how to clean portable air conditioners

Portable air conditioners are a lifesaver during hot summers, keeping your space cool and comfortable. But like any appliance, they require regular maintenance to function properly and efficiently. One of the most important aspects of maintaining your portable AC is keeping it clean. So, ever thought about how to clean portable air conditioners to keep them doing their job well? Let’s make it simple:

In easy terms, clean portable air conditioners by draining the condensate tank, cleaning air filters, inspecting coils, wiping the unit, and storing it properly when not in use.

In this guide, we’ll show you the easy steps to clean your portable AC unit, making sure it works really well and gives you cool, refreshing air.

How to Clean Portable Air Conditioners?

First, you have to prepare your portable air conditioner for cleaning. Let’s follow the below steps.

Take Preparation

Get your portable air conditioner ready for cleaning by following these steps:

how to clean portable air conditioners
  • First, unplug your AC and put it on a sturdy surface. There might be water leakage, so avoid cleaning on expensive floors.
  • Collect your tools. You’ll need a screwdriver, a damp cloth for cleaning, a bucket or shallow pan, and a new air filter (if you’re due for a filter change).
  • Take apart your air conditioner. Every model is different, but you’ll probably have to unscrew some panels at the back to access the inside.

Drain the Water

Portable air conditioners take moisture out of the air. The collected water usually gathers in a container inside the unit, which needs regular emptying. Some units have an indicator light to show when the water tank is full, but others don’t.

how to clean portable air conditioners

Follow the Below Steps to drain the portable AC’s condensate tank effectively

To get rid of the water, 

  • Turn off and unplug your AC.
  • Take the portable AC outside. Most portable ACs have wheels, so you can roll them outside. If you can’t go outside, put it on a high surface, as long as there’s room for a container underneath to catch water.
  • Locate the drain on the back of your unit.
  • Remove the cap from the drain spout. Water will start to come out. Put a bucket or shallow tray under the drain and let the water drain out. Alternatively, some portable air conditioners allow you to attach a hose to the drain, so the water flows out on its own, and you don’t have to empty it.
  • If you’re putting water into a container, make sure it’s big enough. Have a second container ready if the first one fills up.
  • If you’re storing the AC for next year, leave the cap open to let all the water drip out while you do other cleaning.
  • Put the cap back on after all the water has drained out.

Frequency: Drain the condensate tank every few days, especially during periods of high humidity.

how to clean portable air conditioners

Keep the Air Filters Clean

Make sure your air filters are free from dirt to make your unit work well. How you clean a portable air conditioner filter depends on your AC unit. Some filters can be washed, while others are disposable and need replacing each time. If your filter is removable, you can clean it by vacuuming and then washing it in warm, soapy water. 

Follow the Below Steps

To clean your portable AC’s filters, follow these steps:

  • Turn off and unplug your AC. Make sure it’s not running when you clean the filters.
  • Take off the plastic grilles covering the filters. Most portable ACs have these grilles. Remove them to reach the filters.
  • Take out the air filters from the AC. They usually snap in and out easily. Remember how they were placed so you can put them back correctly later.
  • Clean the air filters and grilles. If your AC has plastic mesh filters, you can rinse them with water. When you rinse, spray water from the inside out to push the dust out.
  • Let the filters and grilles dry.
  • Put the air filters and grilles back in place once they are dry.

How often: Clean the filter every two weeks when you’re using the air conditioner a lot and at least twice a month when you’re not using it as much to clear away any dirt or blockages.

how to clean portable air conditioners

Inspect the Coils

The coils are an important (and costly) part of your portable AC unit, so it’s crucial to check for dirt and debris. Be careful when cleaning to avoid any damage that could lead to an expensive repair.

Your portable AC has two coils:

  • The evaporator coil cools the air inside your home.
  • The condenser coil heats the air outside your home.

Both coils need to be free of dust and debris for your AC to work well. If they’re dirty, they might also get corroded. If your AC has air filters, they’ll catch most of the dust. Still, check the coils for any leftover dirt. Also, look out for bent fins on the coils. Bent fins can make your AC less efficient and reduce airflow.

So, to clean your portable air conditioner coils, use a damp cloth or a soft brush to remove any buildup gently. If you want, you can get special cleaning solutions for coils at a nearby hardware store to keep them super clean.

Frequency: Clean the coils every 3 months or as needed.

Clean the Outside

While the panels are off, use a soft, wet cloth to wipe them. Make sure to reach into vents and tiny spaces where dust might be and let everything dry completely before putting the panels back on.

  • Wipe the cabinet with a soft, damp cloth. Don’t use liquid or spray cleaners on the air conditioner. Avoid using chemicals, abrasives, ammonia, strong detergents, solvents, or scrubbing pads.
  • Make sure to dry everything completely with a soft cloth.

Remember to regularly wipe down the outside of your portable air conditioner, even if you’re not doing a big clean. Check it every week to remove dirt, pet hair, or anything else that might be blocking it from the outside.

Put Away Your Portable AC Right

When it’s time to store your air conditioner for the year, remember to drain the tank and clean the filter. After that, run the unit in fan mode for 30 minutes to an hour to get rid of extra moisture. Let everything dry before packing it up.

If you can, store the air conditioner in its original box. Keep it in a clean, dry place to avoid mold when it’s packed away for winter.

Additional Tips Regarding Portable AC Maintenance

Follow the extra tips below to easily keep your portable air conditioner clean and functioning at its peak.

  • Always check your portable air conditioner’s manual for exact cleaning steps.
  • Avoid using compressed air on the coils as it can harm them.
  • If you’re not confident cleaning it yourself, consider hiring a professional technician for a portable air conditioner cleaning service.
  • Cleaning regularly will make your portable AC work better, last longer, and keep the air fresher.

Wrapping Up

To sum it up, it’s really important to keep your portable air conditioner clean, so it works the best it can. Just follow the easy steps we talked about, and your AC will keep giving you cool air in the hot summer. So, when you think, “How to Clean Portable Air Conditioners?” just remember these simple steps regarding portable air conditioning unit servicing to keep your place nice and cool.


What does servicing portable air conditioners involve?

Portable air conditioner service includes tasks such as cleaning the filters, inspecting coils, draining the condensate tank, and wiping down the unit. 

My portable air conditioner is not draining water. What to do?

Check if the condensate tank is full and needs draining. Plus, ensure the drain spout is clear, or use a hose to let water flow out if your portable AC allows.

How do you get mold out of a portable air conditioner?

To remove mold from a portable air conditioner, open the unit, take out the filter, and either replace it if disposable or wash it in a bleach-water mix (1:10 ratio). Allow it to soak for 10 minutes, rinse, and air dry.

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