Why Does My Window AC Smell Musty?

why does my window ac smell musty

If you’ve ever walked into a room cooled by a window air conditioner and thought, “Why does my window AC smell musty?” Well, you’re not alone. Lots of people face this issue. The simple answer is: The musty smell from the window air conditioner happens because of too much moisture and the growth of mold and mildew. When the air conditioner works, it condenses humidity from the air, and that can make a perfect home for these tiny living things called microorganisms.

Having to handle a gross musty smell from your window AC is no good—it’s just plain annoying and might make you concerned about the air you’re taking in. Figuring out why it’s there and learning how to get rid of it is really crucial to keep your indoor area cozy and healthy. 

Stick around with Clumsy Home as we delve into the reasons behind that musty odor in your window AC unit and discover the perfect solution to bid it farewell.

Why Does My Window Air Conditioner Smell Musty?

Why Does My Window Air Conditioner Smell Musty?

So, why does my wall AC smell musty? The musty smell from your window AC happens because of too much moisture and the growth of mold and mildew. When your air conditioner works, it takes water from the air, creating a perfect place for these tiny living things.

Let’s figure out the causes of why window AC stinks with the musty odor in the following:

Clogged Drain Pan or Drip Lines

When the drip lines or drain pan gets blocked with dirt or algae, the water can’t flow away properly. This creates a nice spot for mold and mildew to grow. This ultimately brings the musty smell from the window AC.

Dirty Air Filters

dirty air filter

The air filters in your window AC catch dust and dirt, keeping them from floating around your home. But as time goes on, these filters can get clogged. This blocks airflow and gives a chance for mold and bacteria to grow and lets your window AC smell like mildew.

Long Periods of Inactivity

If your window AC hasn’t been used for a while, especially during colder months, moisture can build up inside. This can lead to the growth of mold and mildew and let your air conditioner window unit smell musty.

Too much Moisture

Window air conditioners take away heat and moisture from the air. But if the unit doesn’t drain the collected moisture properly, it becomes a home for mold and mildew.

These tiny things love damp places, and that’s what causes the window AC unit to smell weird.

Mold and Mildew Inside

Mold and Mildew Inside

The inside of your window AC is often dark and damp—a perfect setup for mold and mildew. If you don’t deal with them, these tiny organisms can make the air stink when your AC is on.

Bad Storage

If you keep your window AC in a damp or humid place, it might start smelling musty over time. This is especially true if you didn’t clean it well before putting it away.

Ways to Eliminate the Musty Odor and Keep Your AC Fresh

Ways to Eliminate the Musty Odor and Keep Your AC Fresh

To get rid of the window air conditioner’s odor (musty) and make sure it doesn’t come back, follow these easy steps:

Clean the Water Tray and Pipes

Find the water tray and pipes, usually at the back or bottom of your AC. First, unplug the AC, then carefully remove any dirt or blockages. Clean the tray and pipes with mild soap and water, and make sure they are completely dry before plugging the AC back in.

Change the Air Filters

Check and change the air filters regularly, about every 1-2 months. It depends on how much you use the AC and how much dust is in your place. Swap out the old, dirty filters with new ones, making sure to follow the instructions from the manufacturer. 

Use the Fan Mode

When you’re not cooling the room, run the fan mode on your window AC from time to time. This helps move the air around and stops moisture from building up. This will lower the chances of mold and mildew growing.

Preventing Musty Smells in Your AC

Preventing Musty Smells in Your AC

To keep your window AC smelling good and avoid that musty odor, do these easy things:

  • Regular Check-ups: Ask a professional to check your window AC often, usually in the spring or fall. This helps it work well, with good drainage and airflow and lowers the chance of moisture and mold.
  • Clean the Coils: When dust gets into the coil that absorbs heat, it makes the coil not work as well, says energy.gov. That’s why every few years, clean the evaporator and condenser coils. This gets rid of dust and dirt that can block airflow and cause moisture. It’s not as often as changing filters but still keeps your AC in great shape. 
  • Fix Leaks Fast: If you see water coming from your window AC, fix it right away. Leaks can make too much moisture and lead to mold, making the musty smell worse.
  • Store it Right: When you’re not using your window AC in colder months, make sure it’s clean and dry before putting it away. This stops mold and mildew from growing while it’s packed up.

8 Simple Steps to Make Your AC Smell Good

Let’s follow the below steps to remove the smell from your window AC.

Remove the Outside Cover

If your small window AC is smelling bad, first take off the outer metal cover to see the coils, fan, and compressor. In bigger units, remove the plastic front and a few screws, and the AC will come out. Be careful not to bend the delicate aluminum fins on the front and back.

Step Outside

Find a spot outside, like your driveway, where you can use a hose. Put the AC on something sturdy, like a sawhorse or a table. Make sure whatever you use can handle water and bleach. For larger ACs, you might need help lifting them.

Dust it Off

Blow off the AC with compressed air to get rid of dust and debris. Be gentle to avoid breaking anything. Wipe away any surface dust with a damp cloth. You can use a dryer vent brush to clean the dust off the aluminum AC fans.

Clean the Fins

Use a soft brush, like the one for removing lint from a dryer vent, to brush the fins up and down. This removes debris stuck on the front and back of the AC.

Clean the Vent and Blower

Mix bleach and water in a spray bottle (¼ bleach, rest water). Spray it where the cool air comes out. Soak the area well, especially the blower fan, and turn it slowly. Refill the bottle with water and spray the same area. The goal is to clean with bleach and water, then rinse with water.

Rinse the Tray

Use a hose to flush out all the gunk from the drip tray. Don’t spray inside the tray to avoid damaging components. Use enough water to clean but not too much pressure.

Let it Dry

Leave the AC to dry for a few hours. Check closely for damage or debris. Wipe up any leftover water with a dry cloth and clean any surfaces that are still dirty.

Put it Back Together

Put the case back on in reverse and slide the AC back in.

Wrapping Up

Now you know why your window AC might smell musty. Just remember, “Why Does My Window AC Smell Musty?” The important thing is to deal with the main reasons: too much moisture, filters getting dirty, and sometimes, unwelcome visitors like mold and mildew. By doing the easy cleaning and maintenance steps we talked about, you can make sure your window AC stays smelling good, and your indoor space stays nice and comfy.


My window AC smells musty, or my air conditioner smells fishy. Should I hire a professional?

It’s not a must, but getting a professional to check your window AC in spring or fall can make it work better and stop it from smelling musty or fishy.

Why does my air conditioner smell like a wet dog?

Your air conditioning smells like a wet dog because mold and bacteria build up in the system, especially in the damp cooling coils.

The sour smell in the air conditioner keeps returning. What to do?

Doing regular upkeep, like cleaning and swapping filters, managing humidity, and fixing leaks quickly, can stop sour smells from coming back into your air conditioner.

Why does the portable AC smell like chemicals?

The smell of chemicals in your portable AC could be because of things like volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or man-made materials in the machine. These can create smells when they get hot.

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